Legendary Reward Track – Season 5

Tier 25

Coffer of the Snow-covered Auroch (cosmetic pet)

+ 600 AS

Tier 40

Incomparable Coffer of Craft (Word of Craft Recipe Selection Box)

+ [Tracery Token, Incomparable]

Tier 50

Legendary Coffer of a Good Book (emote /read)

+ [Tracery Token, Legendary]

Tier 65

Incomparable Coffer of Heraldry (Heraldric Recipe Selection Box)

+ [Sealed Tracery, Legendary]

Tier 75

Legendary Coffer of the Fiery Blue Beetle (cosmetic pet)

+ [Tracery Token, Legendary]

Tier 90

Incomparable Coffer of Craft (Word of Craft Recipe Selection Box)

+ 600AS + [Tracery Token, Incomparable]

Tier 100

Legendary Coffer of the Uhkrash Portrait Frame (account-wide)

+ 2000 AS + [Enhancement Runes, Legendary]x3 + [Tracery Token, Legendary]

Repeatable rewards

Once you reach tier 101 and start getting the repeatable chest, you have the chance to get random items. While you’re likely to just get more Ancient Script due to the low percentages of everything else, here’s a table made by a kinnie:

Tier 101Coffer of Legendary Items – Randomly picks one of the eight loot tables below (chance in first column)
65.5%Guaranteed Coffer of Ancient Script (50 AS) + 10% chance for Decorated Coffer of Ancient Script (200 AS), 5% chance for Embellished Coffer of Ancient Script (600 AS) [TOTAL AVERAGE: 100 AS]
11.0%Sealed Tracery, Rare
8.0%Sealed Tracery, Incomparable
2.0%Sealed Tracery, Legendary
2.0%Tracery Token, Incomparable
1.0%Coffer of Ancient Script (50 AS) + Word of Craft Recipe Selection Box
0.5%Coffer of Ancient Script (50 AS) + Heraldric Recipe Selection Box
10.0%Coffer of Ancient Script (50 AS) + 50% Chance for [Enhancement Runes x4, Uncommon]; 25% chance for [Enhancement Runes x4, Rare]; 5% chance for [Enhancement Runes x3, Incomparable]; 5% chance for [Enhancement Runes, Legendary]x3

Final words

  • If you’re looking for the Words of Craft and Heraldry recipe outputs, find the tooltips at the bottom of the page.
  • The deadline for this season can be found in the Events Calendar 2023.
  • The original Reward Track blogpost is here.
  • If you’re looking for something else, please let me know in the comments!

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