The Golden Sprig Bakery

As a decorator, I constantly struggle with lots of decisions when I'm about to start working on a new house. Do I want it to look like a home? Do I want to prioritize funcionality(ies) over creativeness or artistic sense? Will it display multiple purposes in one ample space or will I limit each room... Continue Reading →

Elven Date Night

It was March 2020, the global pandemic had started to disrupt international travel and my flight to the US got cancelled. More than 6 months had passed since my previous visit, I had to break the news to my boyfriend. We were desolated, I'll admit it... no matter how understandable the precautions were, it was... Continue Reading →

Celebrate Harvestmath with us!

If you play in Gladden regularly, or if you like server-hopping, or even if you just wanna come visit & have yet another toon "All Tricked Out", I've an invitation to extend to you! Falathlorn Homesteads - Fírdor Trick or Treat in our neighbourhood! Advantages: Easy access to all the Treats - get your costume... Continue Reading →

Housing – Yule Scenes – 2020

3 Colt Road, Agenham, Kingstead Server: Gladden Important notes: 1) Allow for some time for the decorations to actually load before you start moving around, 2) disable all floating names & hide the UI, 3) if instead of going right, you try to get past the guard, into the door marked by the Apple-Goblins, you’ll... Continue Reading →

Personal House Series

The House of the Two Towers! 3 Peak Way - Avercombe - Eastfold (Gladden Server) 5th Place in D&Co Housing Week Contest! Yard While all adventurers must remain vigilant & take precautions, once you go past the first line of defences you’ll find an Autumn/Winter atmosphere that attempts to tie together some “scenes” I had... Continue Reading →

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